Monday, December 10, 2018


Big Ideas: How do words inspire actions?

Reading: No reading today unless you finish the i-Ready test.


  1. Today I will check your vocabulary.
  2. Work on the i-Ready test. If you improve, you will receive extra credit.
  3. Here is the study guide for your final:
    1. Reading Literature
      1. Theme
      2. Characterization
      3. Conflict
      4. Figurative language
      5. Frame story
    2. Reading informational text
      1. Inference
      2. Appeal to reason (logos)
      3. Parallelism
      4. Rhetorical questions
    3. Language
      1. Parallel structure
      2. Infinitives
      3. Participles
      4. Colons
      5. Latin root Nat-
      6. Figures of speech
      7. Idioms
      8. Connotation and denotation

Success Criteria:

  1. Pass your final exam


  1. Finish your fourth book.

Friday, December 7, 2018


Big Ideas: How do words inspire actions?

Reading: Today we will read for 15 minutes.


  1. Create a Flipgrid response that tells whether you think we still need pennies. Write this response in your English journal.
    1. I think...But others might say...In order to address this counterclaim, I would...The best argument for (keeping/getting rid of) pennies is...
  2. Quizlet Live review game.
  3. Take the Healthy Kids Survey

Success Criteria:
  1. I can identify what surprises me in a text.
  2. I can prepare for a discussion.
  3. I can identify positions for and against an idea


  1. Read your fourth book for the year.
  2. Make sure your vocabulary is at 100% by Monday

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Class discussion

Big Ideas: How do words inspire actions?

Reading: Fill out the reading progress form. Today we will for 15 minutes.


  1. Look at English Journals and prepare to have them graded. I will use this rubric.
  2. Today we will have our class discussion: Should we get rid of pennies?
    1. Post your groups best Thoughts, Questions, and Epiphanies on this Padlet wall. Make sure you sign in.

Success Criteria:
  1. I can exchange ideas with my classmates on a topic.
  2. I can prepare for a discussion.
  3. I can identify positions for and against an idea.


  1. Read your fourth book for the year.
  2. Make sure your vocabulary is at 100% by Monday

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Humble Penny

Big Ideas: How do words inspire actions?

Reading: Fill out the reading progress form. Today we will for 10 minutes.


  1. Look at English Journals and prepare to have them graded. I will use this rubric.
  2. Tomorrow we will have a discussion. Should we get rid of pennies?

Success Criteria:
  1. I can identify what surprises me in a text.
  2. I can prepare for a discussion.
  3. I can identify positions for and against an idea


  1. Read your fourth book for the year.
  2. Make sure your vocabulary is at 100% by Monday

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Big Ideas: How do words inspire actions?

Reading: Today we will read for 15 minutes.

  1. We will finish reading a modified version of MLK's letter from Birmingham Jail.
    1. We will finish reading the letter together.
    2. You will write a summary with partner.
  2. We will start getting our English journals ready to be graded.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can demonstrate that I understand MLK's main points in his letter from Birmingham jail.


  1. Read your fourth book for the year.
  2. Make sure your vocabulary is at 100% by Monday.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Letter from Birmingham Jail day 2

Big Ideas: How do words inspire actions?

Reading: Today we will read for 15 minutes.


  1. I will grade your vocabulary. It needs to be at 50%.
  2. Today we will read a modified version of MLK's letter from Birmingham Jail.
    1. Each person in the group will have a job. You will rotate jobs for each section.
    2. Choose the best reader in the group to read the section out loud.
    3. This assignment is done on paper.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can demonstrate that I understand MLK's main points in his letter from Birmingham jail.


  1. Read your fourth book for the year.
  2. Make sure your vocabulary is at 100% by Monday.